Wednesday, February 3, 2010

k-os Reveals Work With Drake, Talks Natalie Portman

FDB BLACK CITY G'S                     If you don’t know the name k-os, rest assured you will be well aware of the spitter/singer and his addictive fusion style within the next few months. Following the U.S. release on February 23rd of the Toronto native’s hypnotic Electro-and-Rock flavored fourth full-length, Yes! (led by its latest single, the catchy and comically-titled “I Wish I Knew Natalie Portman”), k-os will be further exposed to the stateside masses via several recent recordings with fellow Canadian export Drake.  

k-os revealed during his discussion with HipHopDX this past Tuesday (January 26th) just what he and Aubrey Graham have been working on together of late. The 15-plus-year veteran of T-Dot’s music scene also provided to DX some interesting insight into the disdain some of his countrymen have for Drake, but why all of his fellow Canadians should “take notes” from the most successful Canuck in the states to date.    

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